Thank you for your interest in the Alzheimer Society of B.C. webinar
"Planning ahead: Do it now!" with Emily Clough

This webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 at 2 p.m.
Meeting number: 177 097 5712   Meeting password: Dementia2021

There are 3 ways to join the webinar. Please choose 1 of the following 3 options:
 Pre-register   We encourage pre-registration, which will set you up with an email reminder and calendar invite. To pre-register, click the button to the left and fill in the registration page. 
 Join_by_computer   To join the webinar, click the button to the left up to 15 minutes before the scheduled start time and follow the prompts.
 Join_by_phone   To join the webinar by phone, call 1-833-449-3026 toll-free and enter the meeting number up to 15 minutes before the scheduled start time. (If prompted for a password or participant ID, press # to skip.)

NOTE: You will not be able to join the webinar until 15 minutes before the start time.

For additional instructions and troubleshooting information, click the HELP button below.

IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please note that this Webex service allows audio and other information sent during the session to be recorded. By joining this session, you automatically consent to such recordings. If you do not consent to being recorded, discuss your concerns with the host or do not join the session.

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