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Anything for Alzheimer's Sporting Event

Half Marathon for Alzheimer's

Did you know you can have a fundraising page to use as a motivational tool?

Is there something you've been finding difficult to achieve? Perhaps you've thought that a financial penalty for missed goals might help motivate you more. You can do that! Set up a buddy system - someone who's aware of your goals who will keep you accountable.

I'm using this page to stick to punctuality and workout goals and for every day I don't either run or do some form of weight training or stretches, I pledge to donate $5 to this page. I also have to arrive at work by 9am and report to my co-worker, Vineeta. If I'm late, I donate $5. If I've missed a morning workout, I donate another $5.

I'm using this page for this purpose from November 3 till December 31 at which time I'll set a new goal.

The page already has a headstart from donations made by friends when I was training for a 1/2 marathon. I ended up using another page for my fundraising as the event was for the Scotiabank 1/2 Marathon and 5K and I raised nearly $1,800. I certainly hope this page raises less as the whole point is NOT to donate this time, but rather to stick to goals and not have to pay a penalty. But in the long run, it may still end up being a charitable cause as sticking to my morning routine means that come January 1st, 2018, I'll begin my training for the 1/2 marathon once again and I'll fundraise again as well, hopefully beating my $1,800 total from this summer.

Wish me luck!

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