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Anything for Alzheimer's Sporting Event

Camino for Alzheimer Awareness - A Journey

Journeying with Geoff's sister Kathy's Alzheimer experience, we have learned more about this condition and have educated ourselves through conversations with others affected by this disease. Additionally, we have taken several of the excellent courses provided by the Alzheimer Society. Through this process, we have tried to better understand the experiences and challenges of those living with dementia, including their supporters who are of course key players along this journey.

While we were feeling somewhat better prepared to provide support for our family, we wanted to do something more tangible to help. In addition to Annemarie serving as a volunteer with the Alzheimer Society of BC, we also decided to walk a Camino For Azlheimer's Awareness.

We have purposely chosen a longer distance in an effort to reflect on and perhaps replicate the much longer and arduous journey experienced by those impacted by Alzheimers and their caregivers. Like them, we expect there will be good days and bad days as our journey unfolds with challenges along the way. For example, in France and Spain we expect difficulties making ourselves understood and finding the right words; a common problem for those living with Alzheimer's. We expect other parallels will emerge as we progress on this journey, and we will be sharing them as we find them.


You can learn more by clicking the link under our "Team Roster" to the right, and you can also follow us on our blog, Camino For Alzheimer Awareness - A Journey at:

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