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Anything for Alzheimer's Performance

Canada Day Drumming

The third annual Canada Day Drumming Celebration will take place on July 1st, 2019. The event features a Guinness World Records attempt of "Largest Group Drum Roll (multiple venues)" in 14 cities across Canada and multicultural performances. This inclusive, multicultural event is organized by a non-profit organization primarily formed by the Chinese-Canadian community.

Following the success of the 2018 Canada Day Drumming Celebration, The Legacy 150 Celebrations Society committee is excited to announce the celebration will return to take place on Monday, July 1st, 2019!

Canada Day Drumming Mission Statement: Celebrating Canada Day through simultaneous national drumming to promote diversity, multicultural harmony, peace and love for a better world.

Your donation is greatly appreciated, thanks for your support.

Vancouver Event Details

Date: Monday, July 1, 2019

Venue: Creekside Park

Address: 1455 Quebec St, Vancouver, BC, V6A 3Z7

Time: 10am – 4pm PT

To visit and follow us on social media, please visit Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube and tag us with #canadadaydrumming. Please feel free to share our social media posts on your platform.



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